Our Animals

is Oliver. He is one of seven kittens (and their
feral mother) rescued from the garden center at Home Depot
last year. He is a soft and fluffy one-year-old, medium hair sweetheart.
We almost lost him as a very young kitten, but with a lot
of intensive care, he turned out gorgeous!
has been Adopted!!

is Clementine. Clem is one of Oliver's sisters (he
has four sisters and two brothers!). She is very loving and affectionate.
Clementine is black and white (a Tuxedo kitty) and
her fur is as soft and shiny as can be! Clementine is the explorer of the litter--she wants to
investigate everything.

is Stuart. Stuart is brother number two! Stuart
always wants to help you, whatever you're doing...filling
the feed dish, refreshing the water bowl, or cleaning the
litter box! He just wants to be near someone. Just like
the rest of his brothers and sisters, he's always ready to
play and cuddle!

to come!